Kathleen has extensive experience in sales, marketing, and transformation issues. She is the hub leader for McKinsey’s Consumer Packaged Goods and Retail Practices in Belgium. Kathleen is also a member of the firm’s global Consumer Packaged Goods, Retail, and Marketing & Sales Practices, and she leads McKinsey’s work for consumer transformations in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East for midsize clients.
Examples of her recent client work include the following:
- creating and supporting the implementation of a growth strategy for a Nordic fast-moving-consumer-goods company aiming to double the value of its business in five years’ time
- designing and rolling out a new commercial strategy for a consumer packaging company
- developing an in-store sale-stimulation program for a do-it-yourself retailer
- performing several turnaround programs in retail and consumer goods across Europe for a leading drug and beauty chain, several grocery retailers, a European multicategory retailer, and a European bread manufacturer