This is a profile image of Markus Schmid

Markus Schmid


Helps retailers and consumer-facing industries digitize their cores and build winning omnichannel businesses

Markus leads the firm’s omnichannel retail domain in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) and acts as coleader of McKinsey’s global e-commerce initiative.

He serves leading retail companies in EMEA across various verticals including food, consumer electronics, furniture, and apparel, as well as a number of major international companies in both consumer goods and consumer-facing industries.

Markus specializes in digitizing the go-to-market models of retailers and players in other consumer-facing industries with a particularly deep expertise in retail, where he supported a broad range of incumbents in boosting their online presence and managing their transformation toward winning omnichannel models.

Some of his recent client work includes the following:

  • helping a leading European food company build their e-grocery business from scratch and go live in just 15 months
  • assisting a leading hardgoods retailer in growing its online sales by a factor of five in 18 months

Markus has authored many articles and acts as senior content manager of McKinsey’s retail and consumer-goods journal, Akzente.


European nongrocery retail: Transition and transformation,” McKinsey & Company, November 2024

Omnichannel: It’s time for the online tail to wag the retail dog” McKinsey & Company, December 2021

The end of IT in retail?” McKinsey & Company, February 2020

Getting to know urban elderly consumers,” McKinsey & Company, November 2016

Western Europe’s consumer-goods industry in 2030,” McKinsey & Company, October 2016


Leibniz University Hannover