Saurabh is a partner in McKinsey’s Bay Area office and a leader for the firm’s education and economic development work.
Saurabh works with public, private, and not-for-profit organizations around the world on topics related to affordability and access, business building, education technology, growth strategy, higher education, innovation, sustainability, and workforce and economic development. Saurabh is passionate about how humans and technology can better support improving education and employment outcomes with a particular emphasis on historically disadvantaged and underserved individuals.
His recent client projects include the following:
- supporting a university design and launching a major affordability initiative to dramatically increase access
- advising an online learning company’s global growth strategy
- partnering with a large economic development agency in the United States to design and launch a suite of upskilling and reskilling programs to help drive post-COVID-19 economic recovery
- working with a coalition of institutions to plan and launch an innovation ecosystem
- developing a global strategy for a leading global education provider
- supporting a university’s launch of a comprehensive sustainability plan
- creating a long-range, comprehensive economic development plan for a US state
- working with an institution to build a new business focused on educational financing
Prior to joining McKinsey, Saurabh worked at Microsoft, and cofounded a not for profit focused on international development. He is an active writer and speaker on education, the future of work, and workforce development.