This is a profile image of Sverre Fjeldstad

Sverre Fjeldstad


Helps companies succeed with technology and innovation, from identifying opportunities, to building lasting capabilities

Sverre is a leader in our European technology sector, where he primarily serves resource companies and industrials, and leads McKinsey Digital in Norway.

Sverre has 25 years of technology and innovation experience across several industries. His work spans strategy, innovation, R&D, technology architecture, technology M&A, data management, and technology transformation.

Prior to joining McKinsey, Sverre worked for more than ten years as an independent computer programmer, technology architect, innovation coach, and technology advisor, and founded several technology companies.

Sverre holds an MBA from INSEAD and an MSc in hydrodynamics and computational mathematics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.


Taking industrial sector tech from cost center to competitive edge,” McKinsey & Company, May 2024

Reimagining engineering to deliver more projects, more efficiently,” McKinsey & Company, February 2024

A new mandate for the oil and gas chief information officer,” McKinsey & Company, November 2019

From waterfall to agile: How a public agency launched new digital services,” McKinsey & Company, March 2016


Aveiro AS
Cofounder and partner

HolteGroup Spain
Senior consultant

System developer

Millennium Software AS


Norwegian University of Science and Technology
MSc, marine engineering